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Fat Humans Athletic Club United
FHAC-U Run #506
FHAC-U NYE Pub Trail!
Thursday, December 28, 2023, 6:30 pm
: 37.28902, -121.935451
: Today is Monday
: 59 °F / 15 °C, partially cloudy, light breeze.
Meet on the top floor of the pruneyard shopping center parking structure. Feel free to dress in the fashion of NYE and/or XxXMaS. The more sideboob, the better!

It's time to hit all those bars that we missed throughout the 2023 year! Expect a proper FHAC-U style trail with a length of 4mis. and a girth of 4 BC's! Most BC's will have food available, but not all. Trail is mostly not dog or baby friendly..but yall can figure something out. Money and ID required!

Last updated 26 days ago.